DPF, or Diesel Particulate Filter, is a crucial component in modern diesel cars and vans. Its function is to filter out toxic particles from the exhaust, but it has a finite capacity. When the filter becomes over clogged, it can no longer be cleaned, putting strain on the engine and causing the ENGINE MANAGEMENT LIGHT to come on.
Symptoms of a blocked DPF?
Harder / Failure to Start
Loss of power
Reduced throttle response
Limp Mode
Higher fuel consumption
What causes blocked DPF?
Faulty / Failed Sensors
Faulty / Failed Swirl Flaps
Short Journeys
Faulty / Failed EGR Valve
Benefits of our DPF solution
Provide the car with more power and better acceleration
improve throttle response
Increase Fuel Economy
Resolve the DPF error in the car once and for all
Reduce the exhaust gas temperature
Longer service life